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Recruiting Seminar Announcement


Attention Basketball Coaches and Parents!

In an effort to educate our parents and athletes about NCAA Eligibility, Athletic scholarships and the college recruiting process, we have invited Dynamite Sports to conduct an one- hour seminar entitled “Guiding the College-Bound Athlete” conducted by National Recruiting Expert, Rick Wire on Saturday, June 16, 2018, at 1:00 p.m., at the CTAB "WE over ME" Tournament.  We will be providing FREE PIZZA and drink for all attendees!


We are asking for your help in making sure that all of your parents and athletes attend this informative and entertaining event.  And although it is NOT mandatory we  encourage every athlete and their parents to attend.  This seminar will help our parents to become more knowledgeable and REALISTIC about athletic scholarships and the recruiting process.  

They will also learn how to find the right college and where to look for financial aid/scholarships


Thank you in advance for your help and support in making this a well-attended event. 




Meet Rick Wire

Rick Wire

President, Dynamite Sports


Program Expenditures for CTAB Non-Profit Organization


All training proceeds will be disseminated throughout the program as follows: 


Training dollars will support CTAB mission, specifically subsidized scholarships, to the extent possible, for those students that may not be able to participate otherwise due to costs.  Monetary benefits will also sustain overhead and administration necessities needed to keep the program current.

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